Contact Details Modification of .PK Domain Name

Change in Registrant Contact Information of .PK Domain

The registrant record for the domain remains locked to prevent unauthorized domain transfers. PKNIC has the authority to modify domain registrant conact.

To unlock domain registrant informatoin, PKNIC requires a written authority letter from the current domain registrant (domain owner, not their agent or technical contact) on their letterhead under their official seal. For Pakistani nationals, a copy of the CNIC of the company head or director is also required. The purpose and the details of the change required should also be specified in the letter. Sample Authorization Letter

    • If, due to some reason, the registrant name (fully or partially) does not match with officially used emblem (i-e on company letter) then an affidavit in the proper format is also required with the official authorization letter. The affidavit must comply to the legal requirements such as stamp paper (worth Rs. 100), and attested by oath commissioner. The purpose and the details of the change required should also be specified in the affidavit.  Letter Format
  • If, the domain registrant is an individual then an affidavit in the proper format is required. The affidavit must comply to the legal requirements such as stamp paper (worth Rs. 100), and attested by oath commissioner. The purpose and the details of the change required should also be specified in the affidavit. Letter Format

You can send us the authority letter by post at the address given below:

PKNIC Collection 
84 Tipu Block, Garden Town
Lahore. Pakistan

This is to satisfy the requirement of the authorization and documentation of domain transfers.

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